Thursday 29 September 2011

A new day, a new blog and a lot learned.

I really cannot wait to get building online. Having sat through my first digital media lesson, and feeling fresh this morning, i'm really excited to have had the door opoened to the vast amount of information available to journalists online. Flicking over the techniques of gathering and assembling news from the internet, and realising the sheer quantity of great stuff out there, i'm wondering when the internet's going to run out of space. Let's hope it's not anytime soon.

I got onto Blogger after opening my google account. Of which their 'google reader' function is good for assembling feeds of information from the web. It's like having your own personal web space, and it's free. Why a multi-million pound company is providing this for free, could be a good thing to look into later. But it's a useful and democratic service.

Another brilliant website is If This Then That. It's a site that can set things to happen, starting from when a trigger of your choice is pulled. Hence the name. For example, you could set it up through the website, so that when it gets to 3pm every Wednesday afternoon (a time/date trigger) a tweet pops up on your Twitter profile saying- 'Away- playing footy' for example. I’ve used it to send me an email every time someone mentions me on Twitter, it’s something that can be done anyway through Twitter, but it shows what the site’s capable of.
Social networking sites are creating journalists in everyone. Everyone's an author, and we're heading in an exciting direction. All aboard!