Sunday 23 October 2011

My aims as a journalist, and ten reasons why I want to be a broadcast journalist.

I have written a ten point plan for my aims as a journalist. I did this partly for myself, but also i've published it so any readers can understand what my work aspires to be.
Maybe this could inspire readers who do not work as journalists themselves to want to get more involved in citizen journalism as well.
The kind of journalist I want to be:
1.       Honest. In light of fairly recent events involving tabloid journalists and phone hacking, this one has to go at the top.
2.       Informed. This is a bit of an obvious one. A journalist should know what they’re talking about.
3.       Fresh. I’m young, so I want to bring the newest angles to public debate.
4.       Unique. I try to look where no one else has looked.
5.       Investigative. Getting to the heart of matters that matter. Not just skimming the surface.
6.       A public provider. I want to make a positive difference in society, and keep the powers that be in check.
7.       Understanding. Of issues for different groups.
8.       Objective. I aim to cut through the crap and deliver the facts.
9.       Accessible. I want to reach out for a wide range of people. I aim to deliver news to people who may not think they are interested in news or current issues or events. I want to educate and widen people’s perceptions of the world.
10.   Identifiable. I want to speak on behalf of the public, especially people who are in need.
Why I want to be a broadcast journalist:
1.       Because it is the most direct medium. It is quicker and more efficient.
2.       Because it captures the mood of any given situation or event.
3.       Because it operates across a range of mediums.
4.       Because it is practical and very hands on.
5.       Because it is more emotive.
6.       Because it is more personal.
7.       Because it tells more of a story.
8.       Because it is more accessible to consumers.
9.       Because this is where the future of journalism is.
10.   Because it is less biased, as it provides more first-hand evidence.
11.   Because broadcast journalism is a real challenge. It asks more of you, and I want to answer that call well.

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